Bitcoin Buddy's Favorite Books

These are some of our favorite books on Bitcoin:

Bitcoin standard by Saifedean

Layered money by Nik Bahtia

Broken Money by Lyn Alden

full disclosure i have nit read these but they are number 1, 2 and 3 on my list. Some of the best authors in the space not just about bitcoin but also about money as a currency and the failure of fiat.

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Yeah, I really like Layered Money too. The Bitcoin Standard is pretty much a Bitcoin classic. But, I think the best part of that book is the stock-to-flow explanation. It get’s a little off topic for me beyond that.

Broken Money is on my list but haven’t gotten to that one either.

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Im holding out till december to give my wife some things ti get me for christmas lol but then ill be devouring these titles

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